And i read...
What is love?
What is this longing in our hearts for togetherness?
Is it not the sweetest flower?
Does not this flower of love have the fragrant aroma of fine, fine dining?
Does not the wind love the dirt?
Is not love not unlike the unlikely not it is unlikened to?
Are you with someone tonite?
Do not question your love.
Take your lover by the hand.
Release the power within yourselves.
You heard it, release the power.
Tame the wild cosmos with a whisper.
Conquer heaven with one intimate caress.
That's right, don't be shy.
Whip out everything you got,
and do it in the butt.
By Leon Phelps
What is love?
What is this longing in our hearts for togetherness?
Is it not the sweetest flower?
Does not this flower of love have the fragrant aroma of fine, fine dining?
Does not the wind love the dirt?
Is not love not unlike the unlikely not it is unlikened to?
Are you with someone tonite?
Do not question your love.
Take your lover by the hand.
Release the power within yourselves.
You heard it, release the power.
Tame the wild cosmos with a whisper.
Conquer heaven with one intimate caress.
That's right, don't be shy.
Whip out everything you got,
and do it in the butt.
By Leon Phelps
it pleased me ever so much to have you and moprod come visit me today, if you ever get bored, you know where to find me, just come down and slap me on the ass and say "whazzup giiiiirrrrrrl"
...brings a tear to my eye....