Hello my Lovelies! Hope all is well w/ everyone
I had a good day today, busy but good. No complaints
. Had a tutoring session with my nursing instructor, which went smoothly, & I'm determined to make it this time & pass this damn class. Who knew that the study of old people (Gerontology) would be so hard?!
Then had a wonderful time at my nephew's Christmas play at church. He was too adorable as a toy soldier; tita is proud hehe!
Now I'm finishing the night off w/ Panera cappucino & asiago cheese bread. Mmm heaven!
As much as I enjoyed my day today, I am so over 2011. 2012 needs to get here already! I have hot dates w/ 3 very sexy & very cool men next year. Let's see: January 27th is when I'll be in Spartacus' bloody muscular arms. I have to nurse him back to health after all the battles he's had
. Then on March 23rd, I shall be rocking out with Dan Auerbach & Patrick Carney of The Black Keys. Aw yeah, I'm super excited as this will be my first ever concert I'll be attending!
Still focused & still determined to accomplish all the goals that I've set out for. Work hard now to Play hardER later. Graduation, going PINK, & moving to Australia or New Zealand. I am Blessed

I had a good day today, busy but good. No complaints

As much as I enjoyed my day today, I am so over 2011. 2012 needs to get here already! I have hot dates w/ 3 very sexy & very cool men next year. Let's see: January 27th is when I'll be in Spartacus' bloody muscular arms. I have to nurse him back to health after all the battles he's had

Still focused & still determined to accomplish all the goals that I've set out for. Work hard now to Play hardER later. Graduation, going PINK, & moving to Australia or New Zealand. I am Blessed

(probably the worst year ever for me) hurry up 2012!!!
it's good you have goals, stick to them! Australia is beautiful. I was in the northern part for about 2 weeks and would move there in a heart beat of i ever had the means to do so. I was never in New Zealand but i flew over it on my way home from Australia