Some of you may follow me on IG and read my last post. Most of you know I just recently started struggling with my skin being a hot mess for the past few months. Mind you Ive never really dealt with acne. I've been lucky so to speak. I've tried to do various skin care routines, eliminate some stress and drink and eat better, but it's almost like I've been making it worse! I've been avoiding being in front of a camera since my last shoot for my first set. I don't even like wearing makeup whatsoever, but the fact that that's the ONLY way I feel comfortable getting in front of a camera at this point, unless I have something to cover up the acne that keeps having a party on face. But y'all!!!!..LIFE is just THAT humbling for the fact that using an IG filter for this pic back fired on me, as you can see it really illuminated the flaws on my forehead. As much as I've been practicing self love, some days are harder than other especially when you're used to depending on your looks to help you feel a certain way. Some days I definitely want to avoid even going out of the house because of the way I look.
I know to a lot of people this may sound very superficial, but just like people who struggle with their weight/eating, (which I struggle with that too) it all ties into learning to love yourself for YOU! No matter how many filters we use for photos, gallons of water we drink, healthy food we eat, stomach suck ins we do, makeup we put on to cover up the flaws.. None of that matters if we don't start loving ourselves within. I don't know who needed to hear this today as well, but just know you're not alone. Whatever aspect of yourself you're struggling with, just try your hardest to love on yourself at your not so best, because the best eventually comes, but we have to fight to get there and make it a feeling and an action and not just something we claim or say. & by all means, I'm not saying that any of us are perfect, but what I'm saying is, I'm ready to get to a point in my life where I'm not so caught up in being so caught up in the way my body wants to change. It shouldn't dictate how I live my life. I should love me no matter what. Textured skin or none at all, it really shouldn't matter right?!
So my point for today is...just know you're not alone, no matter what your struggle is today or everyday. & if no one told you this today, you are Beautiful my dear because of the love and care you hold within, not because of what is in the mirror. Vanity fades, but the beauty within your soul never dies 💕