First EVER homework I'm gonna do now from @missy and @rambo because I have time since I broke my foot this weekend!
Now my favourite movie and why is difficult I have two movies that I love and I think are just timeless and that I could watch over and over again and they are rocky horror picture show and phantom of the Opera! Love them both so much! Love musicals but those two are just amazing rocky horror watched that for the first time at 7 years old and I've been hooked and seen it at theatre which was brilliant!
Phantom I seen that at the cinema when I was younger can't remember the age but it was my auntie who took me because she told me it was a movie she knew I would love and by god she was right! The music and story in general is just great! I would love to see it in the theatre but just no pennies but when I do have enough money to go and see it I will be!