Had a most excellent weekend in Richmond. Always nice to get a break from the campus life. Got my septum pierced while i was there pretty stoked about that though my nose picking has double since then.
Skewl if for foolz! Just about out for the summer and totally ready to pick up my 6:30am to 5:00pm job again. All this thinking is making me tired and grumpy needs to make me some real munies and get all inked up and whatnot. Also, could not be happier about liberating my cats from their mom (muh ex) and takin them home with me... Read More
Yar, got my nose repierced today after having some nasty keloid trouble with the first piercing. Kinda looked like a gremlin on my nose but its been dealt with and it's time to try again! wish me luck~
My firstest blog ever yo. So this whole blog thing really isn't my dealio but i guess it does cut down alot of the creepo factor of friending someone with only a face and no personality to read about daily/weekly/monthly especially when everyone likes to get naked and stuffs. Am I really the only one here for JUST the friends? (insert sarcastic cough here). Anyways... Read More