Good thing I have weed
I hope you are having a great day, AV people are not you, remember that
never expect Suicide Girls to protect you
this site use to be cool, it's kind of dumb now. I just get likes from women after racist things happen to me, the type of women on here that are hopefuls & turn pink probably work in crack houses where they sale cocaine cut with lamisol to deworm cows
so upset that after I smoked some weed with my younger brother he invited that crackhead Alex over all disrespectful, then I wake up after watching the texas chainsaw massacre 3d only to find my phone stolen, it is becoming a real pain in the neck to have my cousins' girlfriend over & wake up with my things stolen over and over
for a drawing class, but Suicide Girls is smut even though it's art?
for downloading pics off the internet to make YouTube videos while I was broke