1. First app you check when you wake up in the morning? Facebook
2. First broken bone? Never broken one, I’m still all intact and me. 💀
3. First foreign country you ever visited? Germany on an exchange with school.
4. First time I ever got into trouble at school? I was never in trouble at school.😇😇😇
5. My first BF/GF? Emma - she was a fox 🦊
6. My First car? Silver mini.
7. My first celebrity crush? OMG - Wendy James from Transvision Vamp, good she was adorably sexy.
8. My first crush? Emma - not only was she a fox, she was quite wicked too. 😉
9. My first ever cell phone? For the life of me I cannot remember but I know it was a Nokia brick with a pull up antenna.
10. My first ever kiss? Emma again - she has a lot to answer for.
11. My first fear? Heights but quite silly, those that are about 10 ft up.
12. My first heartbreak? Emma again - she taught me a lot.
13. My first Instagram post? Not on the app.
14. My first job? Paper round but first proper job, fireman.
15. My first language?
16. My first pet? Geoff, the goldfish.
17. My first piercing and when did I get it? My body is intact and nothing is pierced.
18. My first sexual experience? Told you that already, Emma! ❤️❤️❤️
19. My first tattoo? Initials of someone who wasn’t worth it, so is now covered by a flag.
20. The first person I talked to today?Myself - self motivation you know!
21. The first person you text when something
exciting happens? Depends, male mate is Barry, female is Beth.
22. The first thing I do every morning? Coffee, love the stuff and can not operate with out it.
23. The first thing I do when I get home? Strip naked and shower. After that anything is fair game.
24. The first time you ever got drunk? With Emma on a beach at night. We did everything.
25. My first time on a plane? First time for what on a plane???? 😈
Now who shall give this homework too?
@miacherry @puffa @melanya @skullo @sinful @rubyalexia @jelya @torro @cosori @syrinn @biahink @slaut @roxylan @ralit @nesty @purr @riskyindie