I had an amazing day today!! Sure, I worked all day, but it was a lot of fun. I was hyper so I ran around EVERYWHERE gathering people up to do some kick ass make overs and I'm excited because my makeup counter has an event Saturday for our new blush. When we have events I get to be wild and loud and plus do crazy things like put on cape and "save the day." hehe. I love the fact I have a job where it's like playing dress up and pretend and playing in makeup like I did when I was little. Just spending the day dancing to music and talking to cool people (well not always cool but...) and making people smile and forget their troubles. .
Anywho, enough boring u about my happy day at work. I also made myself a new white deck for Magic!!! And now I'm about to take a shower! Then I plan to cuddle up with my kitties and boy in bed and read myself to sleep!!
Hopefully tomorrow will rock this much!!
Anywho, enough boring u about my happy day at work. I also made myself a new white deck for Magic!!! And now I'm about to take a shower! Then I plan to cuddle up with my kitties and boy in bed and read myself to sleep!!
Hopefully tomorrow will rock this much!!
I wish my job was that fun!
Hope your day rocks, sweetie.