Proper blog?? mayhaps.
Things in metta-land are OK.. just OK.
no real highs no real lows. ( well except maybe the break up . we are civil and friendly)
now that i am officially single i have been getting back into the working out/eating right game.
no real results yet that i can see but my god my skin has gotten so good that ive stopped wearing foundation all together.. for now.
looking back on pic my face is not as nearly bloated looking as it was a year ago.
I also can ee definition in my upper arms. I havent seen those muscles EVER.
I still have another 60 i wanna lose.
c;est la vie.
Anyone got any hot friends they wanna hook me up with?? i need a date.

tonight sans makeup

Things in metta-land are OK.. just OK.
no real highs no real lows. ( well except maybe the break up . we are civil and friendly)
now that i am officially single i have been getting back into the working out/eating right game.
no real results yet that i can see but my god my skin has gotten so good that ive stopped wearing foundation all together.. for now.
looking back on pic my face is not as nearly bloated looking as it was a year ago.
I also can ee definition in my upper arms. I havent seen those muscles EVER.
I still have another 60 i wanna lose.
c;est la vie.
Anyone got any hot friends they wanna hook me up with?? i need a date.

tonight sans makeup

Having good skin is a gift....use it well.