wow, Danni's set is hot.
i'm on the road telling when i'll log in for an update. keep me in your thoughts and prayers...
this has been a helluva year. glad i got that done with. they say the first year of law school is the toughest. let's hope so. two more years of that shit, and i might have to reconsider my career choice.
storms are rolling in, to carry me away from this town. guess i'll leave the way i came - amidst thunder and lightning and the fury of rain.
7 weeks til Deutschland...
i'm on the road telling when i'll log in for an update. keep me in your thoughts and prayers...
this has been a helluva year. glad i got that done with. they say the first year of law school is the toughest. let's hope so. two more years of that shit, and i might have to reconsider my career choice.
storms are rolling in, to carry me away from this town. guess i'll leave the way i came - amidst thunder and lightning and the fury of rain.
7 weeks til Deutschland...
enjoy germany since you keep posting that