i'm starting to lose my multilingualism...i've decided that i should no longer listen to songs that are sung in English. if i listen to music with words, they must be sung in one of the other languages i speak.
hopefully my summer job gives me good opportunity to use my Spanish - that's one of the reasons i accepted that particular offer, as opposed to any other "better" offers...
hopefully my summer job gives me good opportunity to use my Spanish - that's one of the reasons i accepted that particular offer, as opposed to any other "better" offers...
i nearly vomited my lunch up coudlnt even drink the water i needed because i was spasming a bit and it woudlnt stay down
plus i nearly collapsed :x
hehe its the heat more than the pain on my legs really.
i hate it hehe
i know too well how you feel with people
im thinking im doomed to well.... yeah.... ill shutup now.
You know I listen to allot of french music now to help promote my learning of french. Seems to help a bit.