so, i was at a party in honour of all the boxers, right? and these girls were, well, kinda, well, feeling my arms and shoulders, right?
so i ran away....
OK, so, somehow, i need to meet a girl that's bold enough to levy a wicked conversation with me (& not run away), but not scare me away by feeling me up....
OH, and if i could PLEASE catch a clue as to how to comport myself around women, that would be faaaaabulous...thanks...
aside from that, all is the same...people living, people dying, while others pretend to be interested or affected. bah...
so i ran away....
OK, so, somehow, i need to meet a girl that's bold enough to levy a wicked conversation with me (& not run away), but not scare me away by feeling me up....
OH, and if i could PLEASE catch a clue as to how to comport myself around women, that would be faaaaabulous...thanks...
aside from that, all is the same...people living, people dying, while others pretend to be interested or affected. bah...
also, cloves cost so much here because we have really heavy taxes on cigarettes to try and keep people from smoking. a pack of tobacco cigarettes is about 10 dollars. when i was in seattle in november, i saw cloves at the CORNER STORE for 7 dollars!! i was so happy. we only have them at specialty stores in calgary.
and, um, admiration? rad! there'se nthing else to say about that!
[Edited on Apr 08, 2006 7:40AM]