started moving into the new place today. most of the important stuff is here, i.e., blanket and computer. oh, and toiletries. will grab the rest of the stuff over the next two days. if i weren't a law student i could have made this move in a single day, probably half a day.
i'm SO excited about the game this weekend. not only are we playing the top team in the country, but i have a buddy from undergrad who's going to visit. he transferred to USC (boooooo) after his freshman year at American, but i'll forgive him for that. he was young and naive.
anyway...back to unpacking, i suppose...or procrastinating, more like it
i'm SO excited about the game this weekend. not only are we playing the top team in the country, but i have a buddy from undergrad who's going to visit. he transferred to USC (boooooo) after his freshman year at American, but i'll forgive him for that. he was young and naive.
anyway...back to unpacking, i suppose...or procrastinating, more like it

im like alive and stuff yo heh heh
enjoyu weekend