ok well i'm bored so i guess it;s time for a new entry,
today i was up to my usually stupidity, slept through my buisness class (well part of it) so i gave up on going to it today, so then i hop in shower to realize i nearly late for my next class, print off the hand outs and realize i'm no where prepaird to participate in class, so i don't go, so i sat here made breakfast (bacon and eggs) and did some studying ffor my psyc exam i had today, well i was sitting here then realised "OH SHIT I'M LATE!!!" so i rush over to campus, and go and get some scantrons, get to the class and go in.......i recognize no one here?..... hmmm, i walk out ask someone for the time, "it's 12:54pm" so i stoped worrying and think ok i'm just early by like 6 min thats all, i go back in sit down, sat there for 20seconds and realised it was the wrong class, so i walk out again and decide it would be better if i came back at the proper time of 2pm for class
where's my dunce hat?
in other related randomness, Microsoft sucks big donkey dick, and Apple rules! I went over to UM for a career fair and i chatted with the apple guy there and was excited i came by because i was the first IS student he'd seen yet, so he had me send my resume out to his employee/recrewter in charge of IS&T students, so i was happy i got to bypass my resume going to the generic "pile O resumes" , then i wallked over to chat with microshit and they were assholes, them - "i don't see C or C++ on your resume" Me-" thats correct, academia doesn't teach it standard anymore" , hell i got the elitest ass hat UM feeling from the guy, fuckem thats why i'm an apple fan, and after that i feel that much better about apple
...i made some kick ass scrambled eggs and bacon today yeah!
today i was up to my usually stupidity, slept through my buisness class (well part of it) so i gave up on going to it today, so then i hop in shower to realize i nearly late for my next class, print off the hand outs and realize i'm no where prepaird to participate in class, so i don't go, so i sat here made breakfast (bacon and eggs) and did some studying ffor my psyc exam i had today, well i was sitting here then realised "OH SHIT I'M LATE!!!" so i rush over to campus, and go and get some scantrons, get to the class and go in.......i recognize no one here?..... hmmm, i walk out ask someone for the time, "it's 12:54pm" so i stoped worrying and think ok i'm just early by like 6 min thats all, i go back in sit down, sat there for 20seconds and realised it was the wrong class, so i walk out again and decide it would be better if i came back at the proper time of 2pm for class
where's my dunce hat?
in other related randomness, Microsoft sucks big donkey dick, and Apple rules! I went over to UM for a career fair and i chatted with the apple guy there and was excited i came by because i was the first IS student he'd seen yet, so he had me send my resume out to his employee/recrewter in charge of IS&T students, so i was happy i got to bypass my resume going to the generic "pile O resumes" , then i wallked over to chat with microshit and they were assholes, them - "i don't see C or C++ on your resume" Me-" thats correct, academia doesn't teach it standard anymore" , hell i got the elitest ass hat UM feeling from the guy, fuckem thats why i'm an apple fan, and after that i feel that much better about apple
...i made some kick ass scrambled eggs and bacon today yeah!
Apple rocks. No nothing about computers except that these ones are so much easier and sexier. Go apple boy

come watch football and get tore up. read my journal and the MSU-UofM thread in SGDetroit for more details. --