okay well first day of school was going great...yes was.
My first two classes of the morning over at the buisness school went fine, seem like good proofs, i could understand them well and every thing, went back to my apartment for lunch, and a great lunch, some salmon stufff on ssome fresh whole grain bread from Whole Foods Market, thenmade some fresh modemade gralic bread, realised it was about time to go for my third and last class of the day (psycology) hopped on my bike went across the tracks to the corner, went across the corner and thru the intersection, realised a car was comming through so i jumped the curb to avoid it and WHAM, i hit a metal light post, first my front tire hit and instabntly went out, then my forehead smacked the post, the i flew off the bike, smacked my head on the ground and fell over onto my backpack, had a girl come up and see if i was alright and i was, just dazed, i then walked the bike back across the streeet to the apartment, then hiked it to my class which i had no idea what building it was in, found it just in time to sit down, class was packed so i got front row with a bleading forehead and all sweaty
well now i sit here in the library cooling down after class and catching up on my interweb...need to go take my front wheel to a bike shop and have it trued up now and a new tube , maybe i will look for a helmet too..good idea huh?
Pics of the carnage soon to follow..
My first two classes of the morning over at the buisness school went fine, seem like good proofs, i could understand them well and every thing, went back to my apartment for lunch, and a great lunch, some salmon stufff on ssome fresh whole grain bread from Whole Foods Market, thenmade some fresh modemade gralic bread, realised it was about time to go for my third and last class of the day (psycology) hopped on my bike went across the tracks to the corner, went across the corner and thru the intersection, realised a car was comming through so i jumped the curb to avoid it and WHAM, i hit a metal light post, first my front tire hit and instabntly went out, then my forehead smacked the post, the i flew off the bike, smacked my head on the ground and fell over onto my backpack, had a girl come up and see if i was alright and i was, just dazed, i then walked the bike back across the streeet to the apartment, then hiked it to my class which i had no idea what building it was in, found it just in time to sit down, class was packed so i got front row with a bleading forehead and all sweaty

well now i sit here in the library cooling down after class and catching up on my interweb...need to go take my front wheel to a bike shop and have it trued up now and a new tube , maybe i will look for a helmet too..good idea huh?
Pics of the carnage soon to follow..
love it
thank you for the birthday wish!