argh, had a good yet crappy day, had dinner and went shopping with the ex that i have been thinking i wanted to be with again, everything was going good, went back to her place, having an intimate moment and i said somthing about being with her and she wasn't excited about what i said, so now our awkward situation just got more awkward :-\ , so then i get home a a lovely young lady who i dropped a line to a few days contacted me, then i hit it off chatting with her, then fumbled when finding out if she was seeing anyone, then thought i recovered from my stupidity, and then *poof* she was offline, so in less than 3hrs i put myself into a not so great awkward postion tht wasn't great with two women that i thought i liked, well i'm sry fellow sg members that my first post with more than like 2 sentences was a ramble of my crappy night, sry
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Tuesday Oct 04, 2005
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Sunday Oct 02, 2005
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Wednesday Sep 28, 2005
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