the nerve matter in my brain is driving me more insane, than i already am. my x who broke up with me is pissing me off because i think he is lieing through his teeth, hes arrogant, selfish, and probably only wants me back because he cant have me anymore, i treated that boy as if he were a king but he is simply a boy and i...i my good friends am lame, because jeliousy has its finger in my ass
, and man its cold. so i salute to all the lovers and drink for all the loners like me. fff*********************ck!
heres a little gg allen for the soul,"i want to die, i want to die, i want to die.."

heres a little gg allen for the soul,"i want to die, i want to die, i want to die.."
glad i could help
GG Allin also wiped his poo on his own face, so take him with a grain of salt...