I have not been on since the change. I don't know if I like it. I do know I have not given it a chance.
July 21st is open day at the race track in the fun and sunny San Diego, HELLO big hats and Bloody Mary's!....I could go for a Bloody Mary right now.
I ripped my left shoulder blade muscle (felt pretty), was bed ridden for about six days, and kicked some ass in Grand Theft Auto and Trivial Persuit!!...Thats a DOUBLE WHAMMY!
and thats about it BLA BLA BLAH
July 21st is open day at the race track in the fun and sunny San Diego, HELLO big hats and Bloody Mary's!....I could go for a Bloody Mary right now.
I ripped my left shoulder blade muscle (felt pretty), was bed ridden for about six days, and kicked some ass in Grand Theft Auto and Trivial Persuit!!...Thats a DOUBLE WHAMMY!
and thats about it BLA BLA BLAH

I love big hats!!!

I suspect there's an interesting story in there.