We won 6 tix to <a href="http://www.kbpi.com/pages/events_concerts.html?feed=106356&article=9293595" target="_new">106.7 KBPIs Mistletoe Jam - Guns N' Roses LIVE in Broomfield, CO</a> on sunday night so see you all there! yeah BLS!!!!!!!!!! we went down to kbpi and ate breakfast with Willie B in the Budlight suite and he let me plug my site on the air!
Hey <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Willie-B/158283277529967?sk=wall&filter=1" target="_new">Willie B</a> thanks for the shout out on your show this morning! That website i run again is<a href="http://www.residentrockstar.com/" target="_new">www.residentrockstar.com/</a> and we are interviewing <a href="https://www.facebook.com/jeffreynothing.music" target="_new">Jeffrey Nothing</a> and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/mushroomheadofficial" target="_new">MUSHROOMHEAD</a> tomorrow at the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/193871954031970/" target="_new">summit music hall ARCANIUM & MUSHROOMHEAD</a> so people can check my website Sunday before <a href="http://www.kbpi.com/pages/events_concerts.html?feed=106356&article=9293595" target="_new">106.7 KBPIs Mistletoe Jam - Guns N' Roses LIVE in Broomfield, CO</a> to see that interview!
Thanks again man!

Hey <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Willie-B/158283277529967?sk=wall&filter=1" target="_new">Willie B</a> thanks for the shout out on your show this morning! That website i run again is<a href="http://www.residentrockstar.com/" target="_new">www.residentrockstar.com/</a> and we are interviewing <a href="https://www.facebook.com/jeffreynothing.music" target="_new">Jeffrey Nothing</a> and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/mushroomheadofficial" target="_new">MUSHROOMHEAD</a> tomorrow at the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/193871954031970/" target="_new">summit music hall ARCANIUM & MUSHROOMHEAD</a> so people can check my website Sunday before <a href="http://www.kbpi.com/pages/events_concerts.html?feed=106356&article=9293595" target="_new">106.7 KBPIs Mistletoe Jam - Guns N' Roses LIVE in Broomfield, CO</a> to see that interview!
Thanks again man!