looking for a new photographer.
i think mine is fine but
Overall with all three of my sets i have submitted i keep hearing the same thing over and over again. get a better photographer. That's not my only problem but that's the one i hear the most.
also needed
set ideas and suggestions
oh and all three sets were shot by the same photographer.
Subcultural Studios in Ft Collins Colorado

i think mine is fine but
Overall with all three of my sets i have submitted i keep hearing the same thing over and over again. get a better photographer. That's not my only problem but that's the one i hear the most.
also needed
set ideas and suggestions

oh and all three sets were shot by the same photographer.
Subcultural Studios in Ft Collins Colorado

Yeah... I fear your photographer is just way too amateur right now to take sets that are up to par with SG standards. Like picture 2, you look great there but then they had to go and manually blur the background to your right. Any photographer knows not to manually blur backgrounds... unless they know what they are doing and do it well, but that just looks BAD...