So i am going on a road trip! i am so excited i haven't done something like this since i was a kid with my family! i am so looking forward to getting away from this town and getting a little break from my kids! i love them but damn i have not been away from them since they were born. It;s kind of a big deal i guess. not having ever been away from them. but its only for a long weekend so it will be ok! we are going to Holden, MO for a dagorhir battle called gates of summer. its going to be so much fun! yes i can't wait!

oh you will defiantly be seeing pictures!
i'm here right now in Missouri Its raining so i am hanging out in my tent! its so much fun! even being stuck in the rain its still so amazing to see all the people and the fighting and the good feelings going on! and meeting all these new people. Its bad ass!