Don't want to go to work in the morning frown
Jeez I am so frigging bored at the moment. I want something to happen, anything.

Work is so dull especially. I'm looking forward to a stupid meeting tomorrow just from something different to do, we'll spend two hours discussing something that in reality should take 20 minutes just so everyone can have a turn telling all how important and hardworking they are and how they...
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Can you get the Suicide Girls website in China? Has anyone every tried?

Just thought it may be nice to do the odd post or two with a few pictures while I am over there next week. Last year you could get to the likes of youtube and CNN but not the BBC and I never tried getting on any sites where there was any...
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Tired, so very tired, too little sleep and to much driving and then work, very very dull work.

Need sleep and after that I may post something more interesting to read or look at (although maybe not, thats not really my call its yours on being interesting to read and look at)
Hospitals depress the hell out of me, today its the first time in about 8 years since I stepped foot inside one and if I can go that long again before going in another I'll be a happy chappy. The wonderful people who work in them do there best but by the very nature of the place they are mainly a collection of pain and...
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Got a bastard of a headache at the moment, I think it's down to nerves. I'm at the hospital in the morning so they can run some tests on my eyes. They are going to put some drops in my eyes which will make my vision blurred and the effects can last up to 6 hours, can't fucking wait for that it's going to be...
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**hugs your** sounds like you're having a tough time at the moment as well.

Its just a picture...an attempt of a set like 3 months ago, but it was too windy and things did work out for it, we only got like 5 good shots lol
Good luck with the eye stuff. Had the same thing done myself recently when they had a good look around after a referral from the optician. It'll be fine, but you may wish to take someone to give you a lift home...
Cool, I've just worked out how to add a picture to my SG favourites from the Flash viewer always had to switch to the HTML viewer before, maybe I should try reading instructiuons (if there are any) in future.
Ooo, I've still to master that one yet!
thank you very much for the comment on my new set!
I really appreciate it
kisses and have fun
A slightly less dramatic post this time after the gates of hell of last time.

Took my sisters kids to the cinema yesterday, I've always loved the cinema and being able to pass that on to 2 little people just starting out in life is so cool, they are 6 and 9 years old so they take so much in and the questions that they...
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I have seen the opening of the gates of hell tonight.
Let me set the scene if I may.
I was travelling home tonight from a friends driving along some quiet and twisting country roads through fields and woods. Its still warm although its been raining for most of the afternoon so there is a mist caused by the heat and moisture in the air,...
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Thank you for your comment on my last set, I'm glad you liked it! smile
Sounds like a great scene from a movie. Hearing Chester would have made me happy though smile, more like "oh, this is what heaven is like?"