It's time for a pics update 
Few weeks ago I went to a friend's gig near my house..we took some photos before getting completly drunk

I've got another photo with somebody special, but I won't post it here, so you'll be curious by death
And now I'm gonna show you how much I like staying in bed when it's cold outside

Few weeks ago I went to a friend's gig near my house..we took some photos before getting completly drunk

I've got another photo with somebody special, but I won't post it here, so you'll be curious by death

And now I'm gonna show you how much I like staying in bed when it's cold outside

in realt sto mettendomi d'accordo con albertine,speriamo bene
sei stata gentile a propormi il tuo aiuto,purtroppo per me arrivare fin l mi costerebbe un botto di soldi che per ora non ho
tu invece come stai?
Ma a proposito di cose che ci EMOzionano, quando ce lo regali un bel set?...