The end of Feburary is supposed to bring spring innit? I feel cheated- it's bloody snowing outside! Yay for snow 'tho
Last nite I walked barefoot in the snow. I love doing it. The first few steps are heavenly, like the softest carpet you've ever felt. Then the cold hits you like a freezing knife, owch. Then again, I've always been a bit masochistic, ho hum.
Here's a pic of me doin' floor guitar to the Killers last nite.
Okies, that may not have worked so go to my NEW UPDATED PICTURES FOLDER!!!! for the whole sorry evidence, heh heh.
Unfortunately there is undie exposure so I look like Jordan or something in the Exposed section of Heat. Grr, the one week I don't wear short shorts under my skirt and that happens
Who wears short shorts? I wear short shorts! Well, not this week but you get the idea. They're ace. They are blue with orange slice pattern on 'em. So naff it hurts. I'll treat you to a view next time if yr good
Also thought it would be funny if me and my mate wrote song lyrics in snow on cars on the way home from the union. All fun and games until the tip of yr finger goes numb. It's still a bit iffy now, and it's my writing hand so I'm in a state of panic. Is the end of my glittering shorthand career before it's even begun?
Only time will tell.
In other news, I got my marks back from last semester. Three Firsts!!!!!
This proves that the more I drink the better my grades are, for some weird reason 'cos I never used to go out so much and my grades were no way as good then. Crack open the Babycham, I say.
Hope yr also having fun!

Last nite I walked barefoot in the snow. I love doing it. The first few steps are heavenly, like the softest carpet you've ever felt. Then the cold hits you like a freezing knife, owch. Then again, I've always been a bit masochistic, ho hum.

Here's a pic of me doin' floor guitar to the Killers last nite.
Okies, that may not have worked so go to my NEW UPDATED PICTURES FOLDER!!!! for the whole sorry evidence, heh heh.
Unfortunately there is undie exposure so I look like Jordan or something in the Exposed section of Heat. Grr, the one week I don't wear short shorts under my skirt and that happens

Who wears short shorts? I wear short shorts! Well, not this week but you get the idea. They're ace. They are blue with orange slice pattern on 'em. So naff it hurts. I'll treat you to a view next time if yr good

Also thought it would be funny if me and my mate wrote song lyrics in snow on cars on the way home from the union. All fun and games until the tip of yr finger goes numb. It's still a bit iffy now, and it's my writing hand so I'm in a state of panic. Is the end of my glittering shorthand career before it's even begun?

Only time will tell.
In other news, I got my marks back from last semester. Three Firsts!!!!!

Hope yr also having fun!

I had a dreadful clockwork clown that used to freak the living shit out of me when I was still underage. Hence you actually might be the only person who loves clowns, yes. Congratulations.
Dancing to living dead girl would be rather hot. I have yet to try it though