Hey y'all
Bugger all on TV on Saturdays, is there? There ain't at the mo. I'm currently watching a shit animated film about King Arthur with what sounds like a Celine Dion song on it *shudders*
Guess it's been organised by the Government to get kids to go out and play at weekends to halt the obesity crisis.
Actually no, that's a silly idea. Ignore that, I'm full of satire at the 'mo 'cos I have to write a political column for Monday safe in the knowledge that it will be hacked to pieces by my cohorts and my lecturer as a form of "constructive criticism". God, I'm a masochist
Still, at least I get to slag off the Royal Family in it- always fun.
Anyways, thrusting myself back into the wonderful world of journalism. And panic. Got a big big project to do for April which will determine my degree, so no panic then!
Also delving further into being a pisshead, I have invented my own drinks combo. It's called the Holy Trinity and follows thus:
*Double Malibu and pineapple/ orange juice (whatever is at hand)
*Double Barcardi and Coke (NOT, I repeat NOT Diet Coke)
*Double vodka and Coke (see earlier notes) or lime
These must all be double measures and must all be finished. A pint of tap water makes a fun accompaniment too, especially if you pretend it's neat vodka 'cos it makes you look a bit hard
I have also finally learned not to have Student Union cider- doesn't half rip yr stomach open the next moning. Even more fun if you have work at 9:30 am and are fll of the cold remorse/ redemption that the morning after the night before brings with its cold heartless dawn. A bit like a disapproving aunt I guess.
Have fun kids
Bugger all on TV on Saturdays, is there? There ain't at the mo. I'm currently watching a shit animated film about King Arthur with what sounds like a Celine Dion song on it *shudders*
Actually no, that's a silly idea. Ignore that, I'm full of satire at the 'mo 'cos I have to write a political column for Monday safe in the knowledge that it will be hacked to pieces by my cohorts and my lecturer as a form of "constructive criticism". God, I'm a masochist
Anyways, thrusting myself back into the wonderful world of journalism. And panic. Got a big big project to do for April which will determine my degree, so no panic then!
Also delving further into being a pisshead, I have invented my own drinks combo. It's called the Holy Trinity and follows thus:
*Double Malibu and pineapple/ orange juice (whatever is at hand)
*Double Barcardi and Coke (NOT, I repeat NOT Diet Coke)
*Double vodka and Coke (see earlier notes) or lime
These must all be double measures and must all be finished. A pint of tap water makes a fun accompaniment too, especially if you pretend it's neat vodka 'cos it makes you look a bit hard
I have also finally learned not to have Student Union cider- doesn't half rip yr stomach open the next moning. Even more fun if you have work at 9:30 am and are fll of the cold remorse/ redemption that the morning after the night before brings with its cold heartless dawn. A bit like a disapproving aunt I guess.
Have fun kids
Last time I saw them though there were too many peeps trying to pass themselves as Ritchie that was v sad indeed
But the gig rocked as always. Usual old vs new manics fan crap
Where bouts u live BTW?
In Walsall currently