Someone please give me a kick up the arse and tell me to do some work...
Yep, deadline day is fast approahing and I'm going through another week of extremes. One minute I'm on top of stuff and like, "yay for writing!" and the next I'm sat here wasting time I should be spending writing about important stuff. Like bartending, (which is kinda cool
Dunno why, but I fell so unmotivated at the mo, and everytime I think about all the stuff I've gotta do in the next 3 weeks I just panic again and set the whole thing off on a nasty vicious circle of panic then panic some more until I'm a gibbering wreck
I swear I'm going to have a coronary in the next 2 weeks. Or at least a serious coffee problem...
And why have I not cleared up my friends list seeing as about half of 'em are no longer active here? Well, I guess you've gotta have hope for something.

Yep, deadline day is fast approahing and I'm going through another week of extremes. One minute I'm on top of stuff and like, "yay for writing!" and the next I'm sat here wasting time I should be spending writing about important stuff. Like bartending, (which is kinda cool

Dunno why, but I fell so unmotivated at the mo, and everytime I think about all the stuff I've gotta do in the next 3 weeks I just panic again and set the whole thing off on a nasty vicious circle of panic then panic some more until I'm a gibbering wreck

I swear I'm going to have a coronary in the next 2 weeks. Or at least a serious coffee problem...
And why have I not cleared up my friends list seeing as about half of 'em are no longer active here? Well, I guess you've gotta have hope for something.
Don't kick the coffee!!
Behind every successful woman... is a substantial amount of coffee.
--Stephanie Piro
Best wishes