Thursday's child has far to go. And Thursday's child went a'wandering in the wilderness for a year...
...Thursday's child had a family bereavement, was burgled as she slept and went back on the green and yellow pills which stopped the screaming ab-dabs. Then she doubled her dose.
She moved into the house from hell, a tiny closet of fear for the future. And six months later she picked up her skirts and ran back to her former home of five weeks.
Thursday's child is still on those pills, and still in tha now permanent home. She has chillblains and an arsenal of swearwords in four different languages, two of which have been used today. She is a little down in the dumps still but knows she can recover.
The Year of the Pig was always inauspicious for Thursday's child. But The Year of the Pig is drawing to a close. Thursday's child is approaching her silver anniversary. She says fuck you to those who would regard her with distain, who would believe she is as misguided as her visage gives out. And she embraces those who drew her close, the strangers who reacted with kindness and the friends who gave the best in their sweet hearts.
May you make mistakes
May yr will never break
For underdogs revenge is sweet
Revenge is sweet
Methadonepretty's back. And a happy 2008 to you all
...Thursday's child had a family bereavement, was burgled as she slept and went back on the green and yellow pills which stopped the screaming ab-dabs. Then she doubled her dose.
She moved into the house from hell, a tiny closet of fear for the future. And six months later she picked up her skirts and ran back to her former home of five weeks.
Thursday's child is still on those pills, and still in tha now permanent home. She has chillblains and an arsenal of swearwords in four different languages, two of which have been used today. She is a little down in the dumps still but knows she can recover.
The Year of the Pig was always inauspicious for Thursday's child. But The Year of the Pig is drawing to a close. Thursday's child is approaching her silver anniversary. She says fuck you to those who would regard her with distain, who would believe she is as misguided as her visage gives out. And she embraces those who drew her close, the strangers who reacted with kindness and the friends who gave the best in their sweet hearts.
May you make mistakes
May yr will never break
For underdogs revenge is sweet
Revenge is sweet
Methadonepretty's back. And a happy 2008 to you all


You have become so very quiet, again.