Hello again after a stupidly long hiatus...
...Nope, I didn't disappear/lose computer/ lose house/ lose mind or anything (though I've come close on Wednesdays), I've just been uber busy, and by that I mean busier than usual.
Things I have been busy with?
1. They "promoted" me at work to looking after the (for the sake of my job, lets call it Rug) edition of the newspaper. Which basically means writing stories for three pages of the paper unique to the glorious town of Rug, as well as the challenge of finding front page news where there is NO front page news.
Is Rug a nice town? It's ok, my mate got beaten up there once for putting his goth gear on and having the audacity to walk down the street. But at least it's not Hailsham, East Sussex. Where, fact fans, the word "chav" has been around for hundreds of years before The Sun started using "comedy" fake Burberry fonts to print it.
Back to the main point, it is also the beginning of Silly Season, where front pages are not held and presses not stopped because anyone that could create news easily ie. outspoken councillors, friendly policemen or media-savvy schools has buggered off to the Continent for their holidays. Bugger. Sample of Silly Season? This week, in our normal edition, I made the front page with a (to be fair, quite attention-grabbing) story about a lady being rescued from a fire by a lorry driver but the story above (also an MP production) was about a little girl who had to be rescued by firemen after getting her head stuck in a dogflap.
Then again, I almost had my first front page last August with a story about a man being cross at the council because they told him to rip up his decking as he had no planning permission. Roll on September...
2. Been on my first two SGUK meets, firstly to Nottiingham at the beginning of June, then to Sky's birthday in London. Cheers to everyone, especially cdt21, Barny,deweyDewdrop, Murakami, SnowballInHell, walkswithbears, gtwr, Lissom, CreamyGoodness, Caramel, adthrawn and the aforementioned Sky for making me feel welcome! And apologies if I was a little odd, I think the heat got to me. Which brings me to...
3. Avoiding the blasted heat. I can't fucking stand summer for numerous reasons (nothing to do/ anyone I love tends to die in August/ shit TV etc) but the heat has to be the worst. My car has turned into an oven every day this week and for some bizarre reason. the traffic jams are worse than in winter. My Viking blood isn't helping a bit in helping me adjust to hot weather and because of my pale skin I got sunburnt on Monday whilst trying to track down someone for a news story. Aaarrgh! Any hints on how to stay cool? I find cold baths are nice, but it's not practical to sit naked in a cold bath at work, what with working at a computer and stuff. And my notebooks might get wet
4. I've been carrying on my lifelong quest to eat as many different things as possible. I love eating, which makes me sound greedy I know, but the thought that there are so many different tasty things to eat in the world makes me happy. Biting is also one of my favourite fighting moves, on another angle. But I digress. This month I have been enjoying Chinese meat treats, courtesy of my housemate's parcel from Hong Kong. In the parcels were two vacumn packed lumps and some wrapped "sweeties", which turned out to be sweetened dried beef- delicious! The vacumn packed lumps were duck's necks, which were also tasty, a bit like a bony Pepperami I guess. Trouble is, my colleagues didn't think so. As soon as they saw me unwrapping one they all rushed to the kitchen. Oh well, more duck's neck for me! *drools*.
5. And finally, I've been compliling a top three list of things I want banned from TV adverts because they're shit.
1. People whispering slogans. It sounds twattish and it's not at all secretive because at least 3 million
people are listening to your advert you tit!
2. Mouse heads superimposed onto people's bodies (think Levi's/ cheese ads). Frankly disturbing.
3. The word "moreish". Sounds like the way a Daily Mail reader would describe something.
Okies, enough of the lists, it's time I went off to try and find some news. Hope yr all having fun doing whatever you're doing. By the way, what ARE you doing right now? Can I join in?
MP with panna cotta for dessert and a list show on the TV (hence the listy journal)
...Nope, I didn't disappear/lose computer/ lose house/ lose mind or anything (though I've come close on Wednesdays), I've just been uber busy, and by that I mean busier than usual.
Things I have been busy with?
1. They "promoted" me at work to looking after the (for the sake of my job, lets call it Rug) edition of the newspaper. Which basically means writing stories for three pages of the paper unique to the glorious town of Rug, as well as the challenge of finding front page news where there is NO front page news.
Back to the main point, it is also the beginning of Silly Season, where front pages are not held and presses not stopped because anyone that could create news easily ie. outspoken councillors, friendly policemen or media-savvy schools has buggered off to the Continent for their holidays. Bugger. Sample of Silly Season? This week, in our normal edition, I made the front page with a (to be fair, quite attention-grabbing) story about a lady being rescued from a fire by a lorry driver but the story above (also an MP production) was about a little girl who had to be rescued by firemen after getting her head stuck in a dogflap.
2. Been on my first two SGUK meets, firstly to Nottiingham at the beginning of June, then to Sky's birthday in London. Cheers to everyone, especially cdt21, Barny,deweyDewdrop, Murakami, SnowballInHell, walkswithbears, gtwr, Lissom, CreamyGoodness, Caramel, adthrawn and the aforementioned Sky for making me feel welcome! And apologies if I was a little odd, I think the heat got to me. Which brings me to...
3. Avoiding the blasted heat. I can't fucking stand summer for numerous reasons (nothing to do/ anyone I love tends to die in August/ shit TV etc) but the heat has to be the worst. My car has turned into an oven every day this week and for some bizarre reason. the traffic jams are worse than in winter. My Viking blood isn't helping a bit in helping me adjust to hot weather and because of my pale skin I got sunburnt on Monday whilst trying to track down someone for a news story. Aaarrgh! Any hints on how to stay cool? I find cold baths are nice, but it's not practical to sit naked in a cold bath at work, what with working at a computer and stuff. And my notebooks might get wet
4. I've been carrying on my lifelong quest to eat as many different things as possible. I love eating, which makes me sound greedy I know, but the thought that there are so many different tasty things to eat in the world makes me happy. Biting is also one of my favourite fighting moves, on another angle. But I digress. This month I have been enjoying Chinese meat treats, courtesy of my housemate's parcel from Hong Kong. In the parcels were two vacumn packed lumps and some wrapped "sweeties", which turned out to be sweetened dried beef- delicious! The vacumn packed lumps were duck's necks, which were also tasty, a bit like a bony Pepperami I guess. Trouble is, my colleagues didn't think so. As soon as they saw me unwrapping one they all rushed to the kitchen. Oh well, more duck's neck for me! *drools*.
5. And finally, I've been compliling a top three list of things I want banned from TV adverts because they're shit.
1. People whispering slogans. It sounds twattish and it's not at all secretive because at least 3 million
people are listening to your advert you tit!
2. Mouse heads superimposed onto people's bodies (think Levi's/ cheese ads). Frankly disturbing.
3. The word "moreish". Sounds like the way a Daily Mail reader would describe something.
Okies, enough of the lists, it's time I went off to try and find some news. Hope yr all having fun doing whatever you're doing. By the way, what ARE you doing right now? Can I join in?
MP with panna cotta for dessert and a list show on the TV (hence the listy journal)
Glad you're ok, even though you're hellishly busy
When do we get to see you down this neck of the woods again?
Love and kisses
Michelle xx