hola a todos! He estado cotilleando la web y he encontrado verdaderas preciosidades por aqui. Os dejo estos pequeos tesoros para que les echeis un vistazo. ^^
hello all! I've been gossiping the web and I found real treasures around here. I leave these little treasures to them a look. ^ ^
Este set me ha parecido curioso por sus fotos en analgico, las cuales me encantan ya que estoy estudiando fotografa y cine. A parte de que Annalee es una preciosidad y me parece realmente tierna!
This set has seemed curious to me for their pictures in analog, which I love because I'm studying photography and film. In addition to that Annalee is gorgeous and I think is really sweet!
He de confesar que esta fotografa de Sweet_Lu me ha robado el corazn! Darle ms amor, se lo merece por ese gran set !
I confess that this picture of Sweet_Lu has stolen my heart! Give more love, she deserves it for this great set!
Tambin debemos darle ms amor a Lethal en su nuevo set.
We also give more love to Lethal, in his new set.
Aqui os dejo una cancin tan dulce como ellas:
Here I leave a song as sweet as they:
hello all! I've been gossiping the web and I found real treasures around here. I leave these little treasures to them a look. ^ ^
Este set me ha parecido curioso por sus fotos en analgico, las cuales me encantan ya que estoy estudiando fotografa y cine. A parte de que Annalee es una preciosidad y me parece realmente tierna!
This set has seemed curious to me for their pictures in analog, which I love because I'm studying photography and film. In addition to that Annalee is gorgeous and I think is really sweet!
He de confesar que esta fotografa de Sweet_Lu me ha robado el corazn! Darle ms amor, se lo merece por ese gran set !
I confess that this picture of Sweet_Lu has stolen my heart! Give more love, she deserves it for this great set!
Tambin debemos darle ms amor a Lethal en su nuevo set.
We also give more love to Lethal, in his new set.
Aqui os dejo una cancin tan dulce como ellas:
Here I leave a song as sweet as they:
quiero ver tu set