I DID IT!!! I PASSED!!! I GRADUATED!!!!!!!!!! words can't express my excitement, and i can't contain it! i barely eeked by with a D in that one class, but i can deal with that. man, i am ecstatic. *phew* now guys, i'll be back more often, less stressed, and much more pleasant.
new girl week. i LOVE new girl week. brandy is too delicious. more to come, hooray! tonight i cooked meatloaf, mashed potatoes, carrots, and spinach for dinner. and it all turned out yummy. i'm such a good homemaker. it's been a long time since i had the time to spend to cook a good dinner. sean did laundry today, so clean clothes! yippee! i'm going home in 2 days, so yippee! i found someone to take over my apartment and both of our parking spaces for the summer so i don't have to pay for them! yippee! is it obvious that i'm happy? if it weren't so gloomy outside, today would've been perfect.
i started playing the sims on ps2. it's rather addicting. know what's sad though? 2 days of playing it and i'm already thinking of my hunger and comfort and other "motives" in terms of gauges. oops, my hunger gauge is low, better eat dinner! drank coffee to up my energy gauge, so now my bladder gauge is plummeting! it's bizarre. i hope you are all as happy as i am, because i need you all to share in my excitement. HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO!!

new girl week. i LOVE new girl week. brandy is too delicious. more to come, hooray! tonight i cooked meatloaf, mashed potatoes, carrots, and spinach for dinner. and it all turned out yummy. i'm such a good homemaker. it's been a long time since i had the time to spend to cook a good dinner. sean did laundry today, so clean clothes! yippee! i'm going home in 2 days, so yippee! i found someone to take over my apartment and both of our parking spaces for the summer so i don't have to pay for them! yippee! is it obvious that i'm happy? if it weren't so gloomy outside, today would've been perfect.
i started playing the sims on ps2. it's rather addicting. know what's sad though? 2 days of playing it and i'm already thinking of my hunger and comfort and other "motives" in terms of gauges. oops, my hunger gauge is low, better eat dinner! drank coffee to up my energy gauge, so now my bladder gauge is plummeting! it's bizarre. i hope you are all as happy as i am, because i need you all to share in my excitement. HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO!!
I have to ask...what in the world happened to the poor Stella in those pics?
im back online, so talk to me