stella ate tonight! YAY!!!! that means she can live!!! i am so ecstatic i don't know what to do with myself. sean and i are running all over the apartment like monkeys. this is beyond wonderful. she shed last night, too, and she looks so beautiful. most of the nasty scabbies on her head came off with the shed, and her eyes look better, too. i put up a pic of her so you can see. now, compared to a "normal" snake, she still looks beat up (those of you who saw the pic of solomon can compare), but compared to what she looked like before she now looks like a supermodel. i've been giving her a shot of antibiotics every other day for the past month and, finally, she gets the last shot on friday. she's been real good about getting them though, and about cleaning her wounds, too. i would've made a good vet... *sigh*. she still has quite a bit of healing to do, but it can only get better from here.
remember when there was an update to say that they were giving away free SG stickers that weren't quite right? well i wrote and asked for "5 or 10 or however many you want to send me" and yesterday i got them in the mail... all 62 of em! state college is gonna be plastered. doesn't even look like there's anything wrong with them, to me. on a crappy note, we're supposed to get 6" of snow tomorrow. yea, happy spring my ass.
haircut on wednesday, whee!

remember when there was an update to say that they were giving away free SG stickers that weren't quite right? well i wrote and asked for "5 or 10 or however many you want to send me" and yesterday i got them in the mail... all 62 of em! state college is gonna be plastered. doesn't even look like there's anything wrong with them, to me. on a crappy note, we're supposed to get 6" of snow tomorrow. yea, happy spring my ass.

haircut on wednesday, whee!

Your snake is very pretty (or will be soon).... is she a boa? I used to have a big boa and an albino python... they were fun, but then as soon as they hit 6 feet, they went crazy on me and I had to let them go. My fat cat used to taunt them by sitting on top of the cage. Curiosity killed the kitty...