the weather is beautiful! it's amazing. sadly, i doubt it'll last. today was actually an okay day. i have to take solomon back to the vet later today since he's gotten worse instead of better. i'm also getting stuff so that i can inject his medicine, because this whole pry-his-mouth-open-and-shove-a-syringe-down-his-throat thing isn't working for either of us. wish us luck. this week, i've gotten responses about 3 jobs i applied for. nothing definite, but at least it's activity. sean got a job interview, too, which is awesome because he hasn't been able to find a job in over a year. but it sucks because he'll have to move back home and leave me here all alone. oh well, these things all work out in the end.
good luck.
*perpetuates the positive energy*
what's the tat?