i had to have "minor surgery" on my big toe and it doesn't feel good. it's amazing how difficult it is to get around when you have a bum big toe. i'll never again take advantage of my poor healthy toes, they deserve more credit. anywayz, i'm in a pissy mood because i went to bed angry. sean and i got in a retarded fight right before bed. he said something about no snakes in ireland and i made a few comments about how st. patrick wasn't very nice for running the poor snakes out. so maybe i likened it to running the native americans off their land, and said he just did it because he was scared of them. but honestly. i don't think that gives sean reason to get so mad that he wouldn't talk to me or look at me. he said he took deep offense because he's irish and that's his namesake (for his middle name, duh). so am i just really cold-hearted, or is he being a bit ridiculous?? i even said that st patrick couldn't have possibly been ALL bad, or else he wouldn't have been a saint... but that even saints may have a few undesirable qualities. i just don't get it. i quite obviously said it all in jest, it's not like i was screaming for renouncement of st patrick's sainthood. *sigh* so now he's mad, i'm upset because i made him mad, but i'm also mad because i think he's being a baby. some people just can't take a joke. what is the deal?
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