so now i'm married. *sigh* what a relief to have the wedding behind me and all the planning and stress that went along with it. things went wonderfully. hopefully i'll post some pics soon. work is gonna suck ass tomorrow. i was gone for a week and a half, and it was just long enough to get out of my groove. and i don't know how the hell to even start the process of changing my name. what a pain in the arse. i considered not changing it, but i want to have the same name as my kids and i don't want anything hyphenated and luckily i don't have any strong attachment to my "old" name. it's just easier this way. except for the process of changing it, of course. *sigh*
one good thing about the wedding being out of the way... i can start getting ink again! yay! i had an agreement with my parents that i wouldn't get any more until after the wedding. so now my half-sleeve can get finished, and i can start my backpiece. yippee skippee. and i can dye my hair back to red, too. huzzah. life is good. and sean's job got made permanent, so we are going to start looking for a house soon! and once we get a house, we can get more pets and paint the walls crazy colors and stuff! i'm totally psyched about life right now. i can honestly say things are better than they have ever been before, and better than i expected they would be. i'll keep my fingers crossed for a good, long time though... don't wanna jinx anything. only thing that could make life better would be winning the lottery... *dream sequence*
one good thing about the wedding being out of the way... i can start getting ink again! yay! i had an agreement with my parents that i wouldn't get any more until after the wedding. so now my half-sleeve can get finished, and i can start my backpiece. yippee skippee. and i can dye my hair back to red, too. huzzah. life is good. and sean's job got made permanent, so we are going to start looking for a house soon! and once we get a house, we can get more pets and paint the walls crazy colors and stuff! i'm totally psyched about life right now. i can honestly say things are better than they have ever been before, and better than i expected they would be. i'll keep my fingers crossed for a good, long time though... don't wanna jinx anything. only thing that could make life better would be winning the lottery... *dream sequence*

congrats, baby!!