the official countdown has begun... it is now less than 6 weeks til the wedding. i'm up late writing out invitations. it sucks. tonight i got a papercut on my tongue, thursday i got a papercut on my lip. and the glue on the envelopes tastes like dung. but after tonight, all will be done, save for a few whose addresses i haven't been able to dig up yet. i have started a strict skin care, workout, and diet regimen so i look my best (ha!) in 6 wks. i have my final dress fitting on friday, sean's bachelor party is on saturday, next week i'm getting my hair cut and dyed. 4 weeks til my bachelorette party. it's gonna go so fast, i know. all is well though. we got tons of great stuff at my first bridal shower, and i'm supposedly having another one [one of the few good things about inviting lots of people to the wedding]. but stress is a mother. i can't wait til the honeymoon...
and oh yea, my birthday is on tuesday. with all the other stuff going on, it seems like nothing. parents took us out to dinner tonight to "celebrate." turning 24 isn't anything much to celebrate anyway, it's a blah birthday. i think my girls wanna take me out next saturday to celebrate, while sean is out getting dry humped by naked girls who are much hotter than me. i'll need to be drunk to not think about it too much.
and oh yea, my birthday is on tuesday. with all the other stuff going on, it seems like nothing. parents took us out to dinner tonight to "celebrate." turning 24 isn't anything much to celebrate anyway, it's a blah birthday. i think my girls wanna take me out next saturday to celebrate, while sean is out getting dry humped by naked girls who are much hotter than me. i'll need to be drunk to not think about it too much.
i doubt theyll be hotter than you. youd be a hard act to follow, you pretty lady

happy birthday!