i feel like such a fat, nasty slob lately. it sucks. and short of losing 20 lbs and getting a nosejob and liposuction, i don't see that image leaving me anytime soon. blech. this week has been hectic and i've been eating only junk. i need to go food shopping tomorrow. i had lots of delicious apples, but sean finally got a job [YAY! FINALLY!! WOO-HOOOOO!!!!] so i made him a celebratory apple pie [his favorite]. and my supply of wholesome green veggies has dwindled down to spinach. ugh. i want more ink but any money i have needs to go towards bills or wedding stuff. we overshot our budget and now i'm paying for the rings, invitations, and honeymoon out of pocket. ouch. though it could definitely be worse [thank you SO much, mom and dad]. any suggestions for improving self-esteem? hypnosis, maybe?
life has been kinda like the twilight zone lately. i never get enough sleep, my body hasn't felt right all week, and stella bit me last night. on the elbow. that was the effin weirdest part of all. it was completely my fault, but weird none the less. i tried to take a picture of my bite from the ferocious, giant boa constrictor [riiiight], but it barely even showed up. remind me again why people are scared of snakes? an 8 wk old puppy surely could have done more damage.
if anyone has hints on how to cheat the lottery or otherwise win millions, drop me a hint or two. not that you would share the info if you knew. whatever, i just need loot.
life has been kinda like the twilight zone lately. i never get enough sleep, my body hasn't felt right all week, and stella bit me last night. on the elbow. that was the effin weirdest part of all. it was completely my fault, but weird none the less. i tried to take a picture of my bite from the ferocious, giant boa constrictor [riiiight], but it barely even showed up. remind me again why people are scared of snakes? an 8 wk old puppy surely could have done more damage.
if anyone has hints on how to cheat the lottery or otherwise win millions, drop me a hint or two. not that you would share the info if you knew. whatever, i just need loot.

I've always wondered if it was possible to beat the lottery by buying every possible combination of numbers. If the jackpot was large enough, it would cover the enormous cost of buying 100,000,000 lottery tickets, ya know?
But be very careful, they're made with Swedish Crack and highly addictive