SGBurlesque on wedsnesday was great fun. those girls are unbelievable! wish i had been in a better mood though. i was tired and grumpy from work, and then i got pissed that i had to wait through 2 bands [crappy ones, in my opinion] and not see the girls til almost 11. it was a great show though, and i got to hang with ms bryn and her posse, and i got to meet TattoosNScrews and deadmansparty! our short selves got stuck in the back and couldn't see much... wonder if they're going to compile an SG Burlesque video??? they should. i got my hair cut yesterday, FINALLY. it had been 2 months and it was out of control. now it's nice and short again and out of my way. i'll post pics sometime. speaking of pics, i posted some new pics of stella, my girl boa. now you can compare to what she looked like almost a year ago when i got her. i need to take more pics of the two of them, they are super adorable.

only 10 more days to go though!!!
Two dogs rompped through the bar playing and Alexis was surrounded by menz by the dozens. I attempted to sober up by drinking a cheaper beer and found my way home with less trouble then I thought.
It was good meeting you and freezing together waiting for the untimely bryn squad. I'll be hitting Ikea this week, stop in for a muffin