i absolutely, positively cannot decide what kind of car to get. there are so many options... this is like the hardest decision i've ever had to make. because it's inconsequential no matter what; one choice over the other doesn't affect anything in the large scheme of things, yet will affect me subtly every day of my life for the next few years. argh. not that decision-making is my strong point. i really want a sporty car, but i feel i should get a practical car. i want another manual [i love drivin stick, baby], but manual's a bitch in city traffic. i've test driven the mazda6, the honda accord, the nissan altima, the pontiac grand prix, and the hyundai tiburon. what i've determined so far is that none of them really make me happy except the one closest to a sports car [the tiburon GT V6] and with that some practicality goes out the window, due to the fact that the back seat is so small it might as well not exist. but damn, that car is fun as hell to drive. my price range is $20K-$25K, so the subaru impreza WRX and mitsubishi lancer evolution [my top picks] are out the window, as are any VWs that are equipped how i like em [namely with the biggest engine i can get for the $$$]. they really cost more than they're worth anyway, in my opinion. the dodge SRT-4 is in a similar category as those two, and it's in my price range, but they're on limited release and i can't even find one to test drive around here. the toyota celica and mitsubishi eclipse are in the same size category as the tiburon, but i don't like either of them. i'm a total car enthusiast, and an engine whore, and it's frustrating because a lot of sporty cars are out of my reach moneywise [and i don't want to get a real-wheel drive, living in PA and all]. and a lot of cars that COULD be sporty are sorely underpowered and only automatic.
sorry to rant, but i can't believe how torn up this decision has got me. if anyone has ANY advice, please share! especially if anyone knows anything about hyundais, like reliability and satisfaction and safety and all that jazz. i don't trust consumer reports...
and chicken grease
sorry to rant, but i can't believe how torn up this decision has got me. if anyone has ANY advice, please share! especially if anyone knows anything about hyundais, like reliability and satisfaction and safety and all that jazz. i don't trust consumer reports...

they're so cute.
and they're safe and don't break down!
just imagine how cute you'd look in one!!