the sun is out! the sun is out! HOORAY! today is supposed to be beautiful, and i'm ecstatic. we've had so much rainy weather lately, it's ridiculous. the only good thing is that it's made me really truly appreciate my sunshine! there's a life lesson for ya...
today i'm taking stella back to the vet for a follow-up appointment. i've got my fingers crossed for a clean bill of health! she has been doing so incredibly well; she has gotten better leaps and bounds quicker than we expected. then again, i don't want to jinx myself, which is why she's going back to the vet today.
i've re-uploaded some of "my pics" but i realized i don't like any of them so they are only temporary. those of you who don't know, can see who stella is.
today is marking a new era for me... the start of my get-in-shape-for-summer-and-wedding routine. ugh. i'm not looking forward to it, but it's long overdue. send me your support and virtual cookies and candy because i'm surely going to miss my sugar. i decided this last week, but thank god i woke up motivated today. yay me!
today i'm taking stella back to the vet for a follow-up appointment. i've got my fingers crossed for a clean bill of health! she has been doing so incredibly well; she has gotten better leaps and bounds quicker than we expected. then again, i don't want to jinx myself, which is why she's going back to the vet today.
i've re-uploaded some of "my pics" but i realized i don't like any of them so they are only temporary. those of you who don't know, can see who stella is.

i bet youll do fine
yeah. email me soon. i cant wait to go out! should be pretty cool.
i got rained out of camping. it was just going to continue raining, after it did for 4 days. ugh. i am so soaked. and dirty. but it was a hell of a lot of fun.