Today is the day I finally said FUCK IT!
Fuck it to losing more weight...listen I was 220 now I'm 180...ya I'm still big but who cares? I have a boyfriend who worships me, friends who are awesome, and family members <for the most part> that are there for me no matter what. I am who I am and fuck those who judge me.
Fuck those who put down the things I love. You can talk shit on my music/movie tastes all you want. I like what I like and everyone has their own opinion. Although, if you make one ill comment about the people I respect and love you will be taken down. I have tried the turn to the other cheek method, but not when it comes to the people I care about. Fuck with them and I will have my revenge. <3
Fuck ignorant assholes. <enough said>
All in all fuck mainstream society's evil eye the corrupt our young and make them as ignorant and pathetic as them.
w00t! Hurray for venting I feel better already! I have a bit of an anger problem and like to vent sometimes. Man I love this site. Especially the PSW group. I know I may not say a lot and just lurk but I love reading the posts there.
Fuck it to losing more weight...listen I was 220 now I'm 180...ya I'm still big but who cares? I have a boyfriend who worships me, friends who are awesome, and family members <for the most part> that are there for me no matter what. I am who I am and fuck those who judge me.
Fuck those who put down the things I love. You can talk shit on my music/movie tastes all you want. I like what I like and everyone has their own opinion. Although, if you make one ill comment about the people I respect and love you will be taken down. I have tried the turn to the other cheek method, but not when it comes to the people I care about. Fuck with them and I will have my revenge. <3
Fuck ignorant assholes. <enough said>
All in all fuck mainstream society's evil eye the corrupt our young and make them as ignorant and pathetic as them.
w00t! Hurray for venting I feel better already! I have a bit of an anger problem and like to vent sometimes. Man I love this site. Especially the PSW group. I know I may not say a lot and just lurk but I love reading the posts there.

Yeah, venting rules. And there's nothing wrong with your taste in music, it actually rocks. Welcome.....

Loving your work - I have a monster vent this morning, and it rocked \m/