Been a few months since my last entry, christmas came and went. Back in Vancouver, watching The Flash/Lois & Clark: The "New" Adventures Of Superman Season 2. I can't help it I love comic book shows and movies.
The Flash should have had more seasons, yeah the acting was cheesy but come on, TV acting is always cheesy. I just like its premise that it was dark, noir yet light and comic booky. Then there is Lois & Clark shows, I like it because it plays with the Superman formula, I never cared for the movies, Smallvile is pretty good but I always remember Lois & Clark.
I am sure someone thinks my new picture looks scary. I am always told I look scary. ANytime i look like htis I am usually happy, however when I look happy is when I am usually angry, irony. I do need to find a nicer picture.
The Flash should have had more seasons, yeah the acting was cheesy but come on, TV acting is always cheesy. I just like its premise that it was dark, noir yet light and comic booky. Then there is Lois & Clark shows, I like it because it plays with the Superman formula, I never cared for the movies, Smallvile is pretty good but I always remember Lois & Clark.
I am sure someone thinks my new picture looks scary. I am always told I look scary. ANytime i look like htis I am usually happy, however when I look happy is when I am usually angry, irony. I do need to find a nicer picture.