Been awhile since I updated this journal last. Its been a busy few months. Preparing to move to Vancouver, constantly working on AMVs (my last set more than likely), and working my job to help support and save for my big move.

Nothing much to say, I have 3 journals so I find it hard to say something a little different or original in these...
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Well whats been going on in the mound

Work - Same as always deal with grouchy people all the time, same ol same ol at the Gas Bar. Working at Radio Shack nowadays is like a day off where I can just get to do stuff that doesn't seem all bad to me. Get to do some physical work, build stuff and be left alone...
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Well its been awhile since I made a entry, nothing much has happened with me just work. Waiting for the newest Kamelot album to be on my door step.

Probably going to have breakfast soon.

So far I enjoy this site better better, aside from the hot women (Mary, Alexis, Erin, Abigail, Quinne love ) so far things are pretty cool on the forums even though...
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Well what is to say about my day, didn't get much sleep. Probably wont tonight either or the next day. I have been working like crazy. Coming close to having enough saved to go to Film School in Vancouver. For now to keep my insanity and creative juices flowing i have been working on a latest AMV I hope to release at Animethon 12 in...
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hey.............i noticed you on the newbies forum, so i thought i'd stop by and say hello!
thanks, hello
Hello, I am new to this Suicide Girls site and area. Hopefully I wont make too much of an ass out of myself.