Not really going to blow over my current feelings right now. Nothing much new, got a day off from casting so I will probably bike around Vancouver, get my geoceries and check in at the casting place to see if anything comes up for next week befoe shoot.
Thank yout! I'm glad you thought my set was incredible!! smile That was too sweet!!
These past few days have been quite boring, nearly miserable at the same time in many ways. Nothing really new, with 2 months to go before I graduate from film school I am not looking forward to being the guy who gets Richard Dean Anderson his coffee. I do have my own dreams but at times I have a hard time trying to find the...
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Another day, stuck now doing grip and gaffing for the next production which sucks. However after this production I will be doing a 48 hour contest which means with a small crew and two actors, with a few set of props make a movie in 48 hours. Its the only shot I got left to direct my own feature.
Finished another production, this time I was Assistant Director. The production was called "Horizon", about a painter finding inspiration through meeting a woman. Its pretty interesting, it was interestingly shot.

Still very heart broken, lonely and empty these days, very depressed.

Tomorrow I will know if the next and last round of film school shooting I will be able to direct again. Would be a...
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Been awhile since my last, because my computer has been broken for weeks if not months. Plus I have been busy as hell.

I am writing a new script that I can hope to direct for the school called The Loner. I just finished the second draft, aside from that I got my heart broken and lately I have been feeling quite shitty other than...
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Time for the monthly entry, working production with friends at Vancouver Film School. I am a Grip/Gaffer/Location manager for my team, its a pretty cool job. I hope to get the editing job when we finish production I dont want to direct the next round of stuff on film, i am pro digital.

Nothing much from my front other than that.
Just in case you did or did not know there is an SGBC, which you could apply for if you meet all the requirments, if not we are having an Vancouver: Meet and Greet to meet members in BC!
Hey you!

Yeah you...

How the FUCK do I land a gig like that?!

I wanan work with film, but I dunno where the hell to start! How do you get a job like that?!
hey hey been a long time sinc emy last entry. Hard to keep track of all the blogs I got piled up, dont know where I ended up with so many. I got one on Yahoo I haven't used, I was hoping to but didn't, got a myspace thingy because most of my school buddies have one and we go on to talk after. I...
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Been a few months since my last entry, christmas came and went. Back in Vancouver, watching The Flash/Lois & Clark: The "New" Adventures Of Superman Season 2. I can't help it I love comic book shows and movies.

The Flash should have had more seasons, yeah the acting was cheesy but come on, TV acting is always cheesy. I just like its premise that it...
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Happy birthday to me I suppose. Laying down on my bed alone listening to Roy Orbison, thats the way it goes
happy belated birthday!....the twelfth is my dads birthday too.
Thanks I guess I ain't the only one whose birthday is on November 12th, the day after Rememberance Day (I usually call it The Forgotten Day as a joke) smile
Well today I am filming my documentary assignment with my team. Its about one guy's obsession with his car, this particular car is a Ford Torino (the type on Starsky & Hutch). We will be doing the filming for the whole week. I am a bit excited, hopefully things will go well. I am directing this peice, hopefully I wont fuck things up. I have...
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Its been awhile since I updated here, I moved to Vancouver going to Vancouver Film School. Things seem to be a bit better around here. Nothing much
are you liking it out here? hows film school going?
Its alright here in Vancouver, much more warmer here than where I am from (Northern Alberta). Vancouver Film School is pretty cool, learning so many aspects about film its nuts, I have a totally new found respect for film makers.