Hello hello,
Well here I am. Iw as a member a few years ago, but let it lapse. In the meantime have been busy having a child, second on the way. the whole little family has moved to South London and as Australians displaced to the UK we are finding the weather much more amenable than the frozen north.
So, the main reason I rejoined, the skimpil dressed tattooed goddesses are just a bonus, I promise), is that like all new parents we are finding ourselves becoming social retards. We have enjoed travelling for the last few years but think that with smallies in tow we might try to settle somewhere longer term. So if anyone thinks that they might like to catch up, share a beer and see a live badn that would be great.
Married and with small children is not a necessity but as we are it obviously limits what we get up to to soem extent and so some understanding would be good.
The brief, my wife and I are both Aussies, both veterinarians and have a shared love of classic lierature and rock. Drop me a message!
Well here I am. Iw as a member a few years ago, but let it lapse. In the meantime have been busy having a child, second on the way. the whole little family has moved to South London and as Australians displaced to the UK we are finding the weather much more amenable than the frozen north.
So, the main reason I rejoined, the skimpil dressed tattooed goddesses are just a bonus, I promise), is that like all new parents we are finding ourselves becoming social retards. We have enjoed travelling for the last few years but think that with smallies in tow we might try to settle somewhere longer term. So if anyone thinks that they might like to catch up, share a beer and see a live badn that would be great.
Married and with small children is not a necessity but as we are it obviously limits what we get up to to soem extent and so some understanding would be good.
The brief, my wife and I are both Aussies, both veterinarians and have a shared love of classic lierature and rock. Drop me a message!
Also, thank you for the comment on my set, I really love Gil Elvgren's pinups, but I made her be on a cake to give it a bit of Serge Birault touch x) he does more cartoonish pinups and does wonderful works, you might like his work!