My parents have been in town the past few days, visiting me before I go out of the country for a few months. Since we have an interest in history and the civil war, we decided to tour a few of the battlefields surrounding Richmond. It was great because 4 of my ancestors fought in several battles, one of which included Cold Harbor. What's eerier about Cold Harbor is that in the first battle, it was a massacre. To be standing there, seeing the trenches and knowing that all 4 of my ancestors survived was amazing.
In other news, me and a friend started a new paintball team.
Coming this fall to a scenario near you- the Headbangers Scenario Team. We're just a couple of beer-loving, metal-craving, kilt-wearing paintballers that want to bring some hardcore action to the field. If you're looking for some action, then follow us to the cannon fodder! Find us off the field to share some brews* and swap stories. Our camp is open to those who want to relax and love the sound of metal and punk blasting. We will do whatever it takes to bring victory to our side at events. Whether that be to lead or take part in missions, run as medics and keep our players in the game, or sling some paint to beat back to opposing team. We will stop at nothing to achieve our goal.
Yep, thats right, I said KILTED. Can't help it, I have a thing for pain and adrenaline.