Hello babes and bros of SG land! It’s been a while since I last rapped at you. The last few months of school and work have been a rowdy and stressful time. School is over for the summer, so I have time for extra curricular activities as it’s been sleep, school, work, gym, since mid March. Any how I’m excited to share that I have achieved my weight loss goal. I went from 255lbs to 172lbs.
This is me just over a year ago
This is me now, I’ve gone down 8 pant sizes to a 34 and now wear a large shirt. I modified my shirt because why not, I will also see how long until upper management tell me I can’t wear my sleeveless work shirt
My mother now lives in a hippie commune, that has a working farm, orchard, and has started growing cbd plants which I am co owner of, so a new business venture is on the horizon. My sisters are doing well, my nieces and nephew are growing up to be amazing little people. My niece Rosita is blossoming into a young woman, who’s is almost too smart for her own good. Cat has moved into management at the dispensary she works at, which is amazing because she started as budtender only three months ago. She is so happy that she quit waiting tables, Other than our wedding I have never seen her so happy, which is awesome because there is so much positive energy in our house. I was happy with how Game of Thrones ended, I was a little sad when Jon Snow killed Daenerys. Although I was expecting everyone to nominate Sansa to be queen of the kingdoms but Bran was an interesting choice and one I didn’t expect.enough rambling on with the show
The new Cave-In record is seriously good. It is also the last one recorded with Caleb Scofield who died literally days after they finished recording. R.I.P. Caleb Scofield. This band has a place in my heart since I first saw them play in Boulder in 1998 when they were just teenagers. I knew they would be special then, they certainly are now. This track has me in its grips
I have also been enjoying the new Pinkish Black record. Their brand of goth inflected synth-metal caught my attention a couple of years ago. This new record is definitely darker and heavier than the previous two. I’ve been enjoying this song
Going back to my playlist format, these jams have been keeping me level headed through the stressful times I have been on a bit of a country kick, I’ve even taught Cat how to play Steel guitar and have since started a husband/wife country band called War Eagle and the Dawgs.
First up is this beautiful song that I heard at Sprouts one day when I was buying groceries, I couldn’t get it out of my head afterwards, that I had to you tube it.
I later found out that miss Musgraves was a fan of John Prine, I knew the name but never heard any of his music. I became an instant fan, beautifully fingerpicked guitar, amazing lyricist, and an awesome sense of humor
This next singer has grown on me over the years. My mom is a big fan so I knew his music, I just didn’t listen to it until later in life, always the rebel when I was younger, to me country music was the devil. Who knew the table would turn. George Strait still making music and sadly no longer touring. This was the first song Cat and I played in the new band
This next singer has a very soulful, twangy, voice. My buddy Pat was playing him I. The car when we went to play some disc golf. His bluegrass band the Steeldrivers is good too. Chris Stapleton is a seriously talented dude, and he has an epic beard
They can’t all be country you gotta mix it up once in a while, I am still a metal head after all. I’ve been really digging on some old school Danzig. Especially the third album How the Gods Kill. This track is fire
Gorillaz is one of those groups I’ve never gotten to see play and I’ve been trying to rectify that, every time they play out here it is sold out within minutes, I had this song stuck in my head for about a week. When I went to look for the vinyl of it in my collection, to my dismay I didn’t have it. So off to twist and shout we went.
Having heard this next artist on a Gorillaz song off of Demon Dayz, Roots Manuva is an amazing English rapper. This track is audio crack
So for today’s bum I have chosen the lovely @sunny she’s a Buffy fan and listens to Billy Joel who I was listening to while washing my clothes earlier. Plus she’s got this exotic vibe to her which is very alluring
Has wonderful time everyone!