Hmm....How to start this?Well this is my first blog here on the SG website sooo don't really know what to say.Um well at the moment I am working 2 full time jobs both cooking jobs sadly its all im really good at that doesn't need a degree(which in the next year or 2 I will be working on getting)I make pretty good money doing them both but it's very phsyicly draining.Other than work i don't really have alot of time to do others things.Wow after seeing that all written out it's kind of depressing........but whatever it must be done you know?gotta make the money and oay for the college. honestly thats it for now not much of a blog but it's a start well till I have more to write PEACE.

OMG You live in Springfield!! 

Sounds like you need to pick time traveing back up. I have found it to be a worthwhile occupation as well.