Wow. I suck at updating. Sorry to those of you who survive on a week to week basis based soley on my updates. Hah.
My schedule is completely fucked since I last posted. My douchebag boss fucked everything up by dictating new hours to me. But its working out ok-ish. Most important is the fact that Calculus is ruining my life. My spanish class is fucking ridiculous. I think i could sleep through it and still get an A.
I'm currently debating going to grad school to get my Masters in Fine Arts. Its a big scary thing to be considering since I'm admitting to wanting to be an artist. That scares me because its seen as such a "joke career" and i dont know how to justify it. Not that Latin American Studies is a money making career or anything, but at least you can make up bullshit potential jobs.
I'm making my big Aztec monsters- I finished the "crocodile" and now ive started on what i think is meant to be a dog or coyote. I'm also planing on making 3D cubic representations of Mayan glyphs. Richard Shaw told me I do "good work". That made me giddy.
I love being a drag king. I performed two numbers last night- I made $10 in tips and then got a cut from the cover charge they charge at the door- So in total i made $20- not bad for a hobby! Its a big deal that im being "paid"- its another step up in the drag king hierarchy
I even got to perform with the kings at a special event- i feel like such a badass.
I looked fucking hot last night, too- I did "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" by Chris Isaak with the faux queen Helena Handbasket- I LOVE this photo of us:
Generally speaking, execept for a few annoying people/things/events, I'm doing really well. I'm happy and excited and loving life.
My schedule is completely fucked since I last posted. My douchebag boss fucked everything up by dictating new hours to me. But its working out ok-ish. Most important is the fact that Calculus is ruining my life. My spanish class is fucking ridiculous. I think i could sleep through it and still get an A.
I'm currently debating going to grad school to get my Masters in Fine Arts. Its a big scary thing to be considering since I'm admitting to wanting to be an artist. That scares me because its seen as such a "joke career" and i dont know how to justify it. Not that Latin American Studies is a money making career or anything, but at least you can make up bullshit potential jobs.
I'm making my big Aztec monsters- I finished the "crocodile" and now ive started on what i think is meant to be a dog or coyote. I'm also planing on making 3D cubic representations of Mayan glyphs. Richard Shaw told me I do "good work". That made me giddy.
I love being a drag king. I performed two numbers last night- I made $10 in tips and then got a cut from the cover charge they charge at the door- So in total i made $20- not bad for a hobby! Its a big deal that im being "paid"- its another step up in the drag king hierarchy

I looked fucking hot last night, too- I did "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" by Chris Isaak with the faux queen Helena Handbasket- I LOVE this photo of us:

Generally speaking, execept for a few annoying people/things/events, I'm doing really well. I'm happy and excited and loving life.
Yes, moving to the city this month. Looking forward to starting a new chapter in my little world. I can't wait to come see your drag show.
artists unite ! no jokes k, thanks.