I, completely randomly, got my septum pierced today. I was complaining to a friend about how badly I wanted to get it pierced, but couldn't afford it, and she goes "I'll buy it for your early birthday present." So we went down to the studio together and she got her nostril repierced at the same time. Todd at Industrial is pretty freakin' awesome and the piercing didn't hurt nearly as much as I was expecting.
School is decent- Nothing too hard, just lots of reading right now. I'm working on my "cunt mugs" again and happy about how popular they seem. Work is getting on my nerves. I hope things get better there SOON. I'm in charge of "Love Your Body Day" this year, though- Which is exciting because Marilyn Wann who wrote "Fat!So?" is gonna come and speak (www.fatso.com)
I'm performing my old Vagina Monologue this Friday at an event on campus. I should probably attempt to rememorize it...
Oh. And I partied for the first time this year on Friday. I got very drunk and enjoyed myself immensely. Best part was when i accidentally poured beer into a friends eye.....
P.S. I'm turning 21 in 21 days.
well, i'm in jersey this weekend. next week we can if i get all my shit done.
John Kerry was answering questions at an event at University of Florida. The student started asking some pretty scathing questions and security flipped out.