Today is my first day of class. I had Spanish this morning at 11am and got scared shitless by the fact that everyone seems to be a native or heritage speaker.
We'll see if this lasts...) In about 20 minutes I have my Politics of Latin America discussion...
I'm super busy with work at the Gender Equity Resource Center as well as facilitating the Queer peer advising group...Its fun, interesting, exciting work, but pretty overwhelming. I'm going to audition for Yve's production and if I get into it I'll cap my committments there. I'm even thinking of downing my independent study in ceramics a unit.
My new house is amazing. It's a co-op up at the top of the hill near the stadium. Its a beautiful house and the women all seem really cool so far. I was definitely made for co-oping.
I told my girlfriend I wanted to open up our relationship today. She seemed upset but was trying to hide it. I feel bad, since I know she really likes me, but I can't be monogamous right now and I'd rather be honest and have an open relationship then cheat on her. Bah.
I'm tired and dont know why. I'm also feeling super stressed and worked up about a number of things beyond my control. I'm sure I'll settle down by the end of the week.

I'm super busy with work at the Gender Equity Resource Center as well as facilitating the Queer peer advising group...Its fun, interesting, exciting work, but pretty overwhelming. I'm going to audition for Yve's production and if I get into it I'll cap my committments there. I'm even thinking of downing my independent study in ceramics a unit.
My new house is amazing. It's a co-op up at the top of the hill near the stadium. Its a beautiful house and the women all seem really cool so far. I was definitely made for co-oping.
I told my girlfriend I wanted to open up our relationship today. She seemed upset but was trying to hide it. I feel bad, since I know she really likes me, but I can't be monogamous right now and I'd rather be honest and have an open relationship then cheat on her. Bah.
I'm tired and dont know why. I'm also feeling super stressed and worked up about a number of things beyond my control. I'm sure I'll settle down by the end of the week.
- Wow you got a house in your 2nd year? You lucky dawg! I didn't move out of the dorms 'til my 3rd year!
- Open relationship? Nothing wrong w/ that when you want to enjoy your college experience. If it's meant to be monogamous, it will be when and if you're ready for it...and with the right person (not necessarily who you're with now, that is). Life is what you make it and lately you've been making good ones, so I'm psyched for you Morgy!
- I'm tired and stressed as's a friggin' pain trying to jump-start my life again after loosing a shitload this year. I have my fingers crossed for you to have a kick-ass semester. It's great to hear from you
but i'm sure you'll do fabulously.
<3 your new tattoos btw!